Monday, April 28, 2008

Inflatable Outdoor Christmas

An inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration can turn a bare yard into a delightful display that people of all ages will love. There are tons of options available and you can create a great impression for your friends, family and neighbors. Choosing which inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration is fun and the kids can have a great time on the adventure.

I love decorating in themes and I chose The Grinch Who Stole Christmas as this year’s theme. We found the perfect inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration for the project. My kids loved going to the store to find the item and they really loved seeing the inflatable Christmas decoration in action.

The Grinch blow-up unit is huge and it takes up quite a bit of space but it space well spent. The kids adore this inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration because of its massive size. They keep talking about the giant Grinch in their front yard at school and at church. I love seeing them so excited.

The inflatable outdoor decoration lights up as well so it really shows up in the evening. When we go out the kids always say that they hope we stay out until after dark so they can point out the glowing Grinch from a distance. The bright display is so vivid that the lights on the house pale in comparison.

My oldest sings “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch,” whenever we approach the inflatable outdoor decoration and the younger kids laugh and sing along. Sometimes the kids dance and play around the massive yard ornament. We are building such great memories around the decorative item.

My husband and I love the product because it is really simple to set up. The inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration runs on air that blows up from underneath the billowy structure. The Macy’s Day Parade pales in comparison to the large inflatable Christmas decoration and it is the pride of our holiday home.

I used to associate the sounds of Christmas carols and jingle bells to the holiday season. Now the vacuum-like sound of the inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration fills my mind with holiday cheer as well.

Even though I sometimes look at the snow globe inflatable decoration with envy, I think that we made the right decision for our family. All and all I have to say that we absolutely love the inflatable outdoor Christmas decoration and we will for years and years to come.

Canada Fishing Trip

One of my fondest memories from childhood is a Canada fishing trip which I took with my father. Most of the time, when you hear stories about wilderness fishing trips, they tell about a father passing on skills to his son and teaching him all about the great outdoors. Our Canadian fishing trip was nothing like that. My father knew very little about fishing. He knew very little about camping in general. It was not a fly in fishing trip either. It was not in a particularly remote area. It was actually rather close to civilization. My father, you see, was not the outdoorsman that I wanted him to be. He can not get by in the woods for six or seven days like I wanted to.

The Canada fishing trip was a time of learning for both of us. Before going on the Canada fishing trip, we did months of research. We went to the library and bookstore, buying every book about fishing in Canada that we could find. We learned about woodcraft, fly fishing techniques, building a fire, cooking food in the great outdoors, and canoing. It was all very exciting for us, but we knew that this reading could not make up for actual experience. We have planned this to be the first of many Canada fishing trips, and we knew it would be the hardest. We would have to teach ourselves everything.

The first night on the Canada fishing trip was hard. We got into camp too late, after getting lost for several hours. It was dark, and we barely found the campsite. We were both in a bad mood, and we tried to set up camp as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we couldn't do it. Someone had left trash all over the campground, and there were wild animals hovering about. We ended up spending the night huddled in the canoe. In the morning, we were both freezing cold and damp. We almost went home, but we decided to persevere. I am glad that we did.

After that early misadventure, the rest of the Canada fishing trip went off without a hitch. We were much more careful in our navigation, and we never got lost again. That night, we actually got into camp early enough to get 10 hours of sleep before the sunrise. We woke up feeling refreshed, and cooked one of the best breakfasts that I can remember. It definitely was an amazing trip.